Chris O'Dell


For more than thirty years, Chris O’Dell has offered individuals and businesses expert advice on wealth management. In 1997 Chris was appointed a Senior Partner by the Board of Directors and was one of the youngest Partners able to claim this service experience within the entire Partnership of circa 3,000 people.


The Practice was founded in 1981 and has been built through client referrals and its reputation for providing exceptional financial advice. In 1991 we became a founder member of The J. Rothschild Partnership, which has since become St. James's Place Wealth Management. Chris has built the business within St. James's Place as a result of extremely high business ethics and is highly regarded by other Partners and the Board of St. James's Place. Over the years, Chris has been asked to speak at most Partner meetings around the UK and in 2000 was the Guest Speaker at an Overseas Conference in Mauritius.

Chris has continued to expand his business in the UK but also overseas. He is approved and qualified to provide advice to the expatriate community in Spain, and for some years has specifically been visiting the Balearic Islands every six weeks or so.

Chris believes passionately in long term, consistent advice and in building strong relationships with all his clients through a transparent and thorough approach.

We have found that whilst our clients share similar concerns, they all need individual solutions to their problems. Many have received financial advice in the past, however the overwhelming feeling is that it is fragmented, complicated or perhaps no longer relevant. To meet your objectives, financial planning has to look at the complete picture.

  1. Expert advisers
  2. A broad perspective of your situation
  3. A lasting relationship
  4. Guaranteed advice

These are four distinctive benefits of the St. James's Place approach to Wealth Management.

Where our clients require other professional disciplines such as accountancy, tax specialism and legal solutions we have successfully brought together a professional team to assist them personally or in a business capacity. Chris is also experienced in working alongside clients' existing consultant(s) to facilitate the development of their financial situation.